Gatot Nurmantyo Silent Movement at Trump Tower


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Retired General Gatot Nurmantyo was captured on camera at the Trump International Hotel and Tower, New York, USA. Donald Trump was judged as a quiet political effort before the registration of the RI presidential candidate in the elections of 2019.

On a photo circulating on social networks, Gatot appears alone in front of the lobby. Trump International. She was wearing a white shirt wrapped in a black suit. His right hand holds the suitcase while his left hand enters the pocket of his trousers

Rama Yumatha, general president of Nusantara, white punishment volunteer, recalls Gatot's trip to the United States as a "silent" movement for conduct a high level policy. But Rama did not know what was done Gatot at Trump Tower .

"The problem of Pak Gatot why just Pak Gatot is the same as Allah Almighty who knows.We hope that the volunteers will come home – go home Pak Gatot take some thing for this candidacy, "Rama said [Vendredi, 6/7].

Rama claims to have confirmed to certain parties about the 1965 Gatot trip to the United States and his visit to Trump Tower. He also received information that Gatot was on vacation with his family in the country of Uncle Sam

"If for high-level politics, Mr. Gatot is not voluntary," he said. said.

According to the information that he got, a few days ago. But he was not willing to give more details. "Silent," he said briefly.

When he became Commander TNI, Gatot was denied entry to the United States. The incident took place on October 20, 2017, when Gatot was about to participate in the Defense Chiefs of Staff Conference on Violent Extremist Organizations (VEO) [19659015] 2017. The event was initiated by the Supreme Chief of US Marine General Joseph F. Durford, Jr.

Shortly before flying from Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Gatot was informed by the airline Emirates that he had refused to leave for the United States. Gatot Nurmantyo was once refused entry to the United States in 2017. (CNN Indonesia / Hesti Rika Pratiwi)

Airline's Advisory states that Gatot and his entourage should not enter US territory by the United States Customs and Customs Protection

The United States Embbady in Indonesia said that Gatot was refusing to visit the United States because of an administrative error. But the United States has not further developed the error in question.

Now, Gatot is free to visit the United States. In addition to Trump Tower, he has also visited several locations in the United States, one of Niagara Falls, New York. "I am grateful to see the enormity of God's creation (the greatest waterfall in the world) Niagara Falls, NY, USA, July 2, 2018," Gatot wrote today. ; hui.


Gatot also uploaded a photo by visiting Pondok Pesantren Nur Inka's Nusantara Madani construction which he named the first pesantren in the United States

. Paramadhina University Hendri Satrio considered the visit to show that Gatot was accepted in the United States. Therefore, said Hendri, the visit was conducted before the registration of candidates and vice president in August

"He wants to let the public know if the United States were welcome. , "Hendri recounted .

On the political communication side, Hendri considers the photos that are uploaded by Gatot to ask questions. Hendri suspects the incident of Gatot's refusal in the United States some time ago because of serious problems.

"With upload the photos were even added to the question, which is in the United States, Gatot". 19659006] Associated Pilpres 2019, Hendri has so far declared that Gatot has not shown leadership of the coalition. A number of political parties have also not dared to adopt it as a presidential candidate or vice president.

However, Gatot met with several leaders of political parties, including Democratic President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY)

) intended to invite the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) to bring Gatot as presidential candidate. PAN Secretary-General Eddy Soeparno then badessed Gatot's admission criteria as a candidate for President 2019.

(pmg / gil)

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