Gattuso confirms that Milan will not lose Bonucci, but …


The owner of bib 19 is largely tied to Paris Saint-Germain

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MILAN – AC Milan coach, Gennaro Gattuso, insists that he will not let not Captain Leonardo Bonucci leave San Siro with every path. Gattuso wants to make sure Bonucci stays with the Kota Mode club. The owner of the number 19 is largely related to Paris Saint-Germain (PSG).

"I spoke to him (Bonucci) C is a great professional and a great player, but we must also listen to the wishes" After that, look at it later, "said the coach of 40 years old cited by Italian Football Saturday (21/7).

Previously, the PSG is ready to pay 10 million euros per season.The French rich club is also ready to meet the Official player price of 40 million euros, as requested by Milan.The former player of Bari now awaits the Parisian decision to make an official offer.

"I can only talk to him about this that it gives us, but at times, the choice of players must be respected.When a player behaves like a big man, there will be no revenge on my part, "continued Rino, calling Gattuso

Genuine new Bonucci joined the Rossoneri last summer. He brought Milan to Juventus with a dowry of 42 million euros and a team captain.

"Bonucci wants to win but we also know what we say and the club knows what we say We are now waiting because it is an important player I keep it anyway."

Milan is newly free UEFA sanctions related to financial fair play (FFP). The winning clubs of seven Champions League and 18 Scudetti were finally allowed to finish in the Europa League 2018/2019.

Certainty is certainly a good impact for the team, especially in the decision of San Siro players.



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