Geisha Vocalist A replacement rumor will be processed next week


Geisha Singer The replacement rumor will be processed next week

  Photo by Court
Photography: Special

Musika – The news of his replacement Momo de Geisha singer is more and more widely heard. Especially when the account @geishaindonesia uploaded a single poster at the same time as the last single entitled "Dry My Tears".

The Momo figurine is not visible on the poster. Among Gesha's staff members appears to be Regina Poetiray's singer, one of talents talent seeking.

But the labyrinth of singer rolling will soon be answered.

"Because we will support confnya on the 18th, we'll all be here later, if we answer today, it may not be feasible," said guitarist Geisha, Roby, quoted by Detik, Thursday (12/7).

Momo's departure was also denied by Geisha's director, Ofis. He said that there was no change of singer

"Until today, Momo is still the singer of Geisha," Ofis said recently contacted by reporters .

Previously, after the wedding of Nicola Reza Samudra on April 8, 2017, Momo reduced programming his concert. Momo also is located in Malang, East Java

(DTC / CN41 / SM Network)

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