JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Vice President of DPP Gerindra Ferry Juliantono called the empty box victory in the 2019 elections simultaneously is a warning to the authorities.
The empty box victory took place in the election of the city of Makasar. Munafri Arifuddin-Andi Rahmatika Dewi (Appi-Cicu) who received support from 10 major parties lost.
"This white box is an image of popular resistance, because the opposition is a close candidate for Mr. Jusuf Kalla, even his son-in-law Aksa Mahmud," Ferry said during a discussion in Cikini, Jakarta, Saturday (30/6/2018).
Ferry also mentioned that the victory of the empty box is a punishment of the people of Makbadar city for alleged attempts by the Appi-Cicu pair to attack the pair of Mohammad Ramdhan Pomanto-Indira Mulyasari Paramusti (Diami) for not participating in elections. : The Mbad of the Unique Candidate and Mbad of the Empty Box of the Makbadar Election
"The people of Makbadar know and punish the ways that are deemed inappropriate," said Ferry.
Meanwhile, the Central Election Commission (KPU) Arief Budiman acknowledged shocked with the victory of empty seats in the Makbadar elections.
"The implementation of Pilkada with a pair of candidates to the trend continues to increase, it turns out that empty boxes can win against the candidate pair.This is a lesson for all parties", declared Arief.
Previously, the couple Appi-Cicu became the only candidate of the mayor and deputy mayor of Makbadar. In the vote, the Appi-Cicu image against the empty box.
In the current vote, Wednesday (27/06/2018), the empty places surpbaded the votes of single candidates based on quick calculations ( Quick Count ) Some survey agencies and real number Munafri Arifuddin is the CEO of PSM Makbadar and son-in-law of former vice president of the People's Consultative Assembly, Aksa Mahmud. As for Aksa Mahmud, he is the brother-in-law of Vice President Jusuf Kalla [19] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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