Gerindra Faction and PKS criticize weak absorption of DKI budget for 2018


JAKARTA, – The factions of the House of Representatives Regional (DPRD) criticized the weak absorption of the budget of the provincial government of DKI until the end of November 2018.

This question was asked at a plenary meeting with DKI Governor Jakarta Anies Baswedan, in DKI Jakarta's DPR building, in central Jakarta on Thursday (29.11.2018).

"On Bappeda's website on November 28, 2018, the DKI Jakarta PDBD amounting to Rs 83.26 billion was recorded as absorbing 60.48%. This is due to an auction unsuccessful, "said Dwi Ratna representing the Gerindra faction on Thursday afternoon.

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In case of failure of an auction and eligible auction conditions that can not be met, the budget absorption is disrupted.

The Gerindra faction believes that Anies must carry out an audit.

"We hope that the brothers and the governor's staff will conduct audits and monitor the performance of SKPD and UKPD leaders in order to stimulate significant budget absorption", he declared.

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Gerindra recalled that this error will not be repeated in 2019. In addition, the regional budget for 2019 is expected to reach Rs. 89 trillion.

The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), which is also the ruling party of Anies at the 2017 DKI regional election, also criticized the low budget absorption.

PKS badesses low budget absorption due to poor planning.

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"The PKS faction recalls the need for careful planning when carrying out important activities and implementing programs that require significant budget allocation," said Achmad Yani, a member of the DKD DPRD faction. for the PPR.

Yani said that a number of activities that have not been carried out included the acquisition of land and the construction of apartments.

PKS worries that poor performance will set a bad precedent for Anies.

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"Even though good programs, as promised by the governor, have been eagerly awaited by the public," said Anies.

Similarly, the National Awakening Party (PKB) faction, which evaluated performance achievement, was not in keeping with the promise of Anies.

"This does not correspond to the spirit of the provincial government of DKI, which promises to increase budget absorption," said a member of the PKB DKI DPRD faction, Abdul Azis.

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In fact, he said, many development activities were needed by the people of Jakarta.

On the website, the budget absorption of the provincial government of DKI was only 61% as of November 29, 2018.

Realization of direct and indirect expenses amounted to R $ 45,800 billion out of the total allocation of R75,000 billion.

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