Gerindra: Other countries are aware of corruption in the Republic of Indonesia. No need for extraction


JAKARTA, – PDP party chairman Gerindra, Ahmad Riza Patria, denied that Gerindra party chairman, Prabowo Subianto, wanted to make a bad image of Indonesia through his speech in Singapore.

In his speech, Prabowo said that corruption in Indonesia was very serious and resembled stage 4 cancer.

According to Riza, Prabowo had no intention of threatening his own country because other countries were already aware of mbadive corruption in Indonesia.

"We do not denounce Indonesia in foreign countries." Other countries apologize, no less big, more well-known. </ P> <p> Other countries have media, have intelligence, have officers, have everything, know, "Riza told the parliament complex on Wednesday (28). / 11/2018).

"These kinds of things do not need to be published, they know that our corruption index is increasing," he added.

Read also: Misbakhun: Pak Prabowo, is the Indonesian people so low?

According to Riza, other countries generally conduct surveys in neighboring countries to make comparisons. Riza said that in his speech, Prabowo only confirmed the problems in Indonesia.

Prabowo will tackle this problem if he wins the 2019 presidential election.

"This is an Indonesian problem that Mr Prabowo will solve because the problem of corruption is a crucial problem," Riza said.

Riza said the resolution of the problem of corruption should begin with the leader. According to him, leaders free from corruption are not enough. The country's leaders must also be strict with the ranks of the lower echelons in terms of anti-corruption commitments.

"There are modest leaders who may not be corrupt, but let their buddy be corrupt, so they must be guilty, so the leader must be brave, his family and friends must be free of corruption," said Riza.

Earlier, a spokesman for the national campaign team Joko Widodo-Ma Amin, Mukhamad Misbakhun, had criticized Prabowo's speech in Singapore. According to him, Prabowo has harbaded the people of his own country through foreign forums.

Prabowo's statement to the front is a case of corruption in Indonesia, which looks like a stage 4 cancer. Then, people's questions are easily corrupted to choose certain candidates for the elections.

"Do you mean that Mr. Prabowo chose Pak Prabowo because he received a sack of rice, or did he choose a sack of rice for Mr. Jokowi?" Misbakhun said.

Read also: In Singapore, Prabowo calls corruption in Indonesia four

"Is the Indonesian people so low that it's easy to buy it with a sack of rice? It's really very painful and alarming," he continued.

According to the International Transparency Report, the score of Indonesia's Corruption Perception Index in 2017 did not include changes from the previous year, namely 37. Only in terms of ranking, the position of Indonesia has declined. In 2016, Indonesia ranked 90th out of 180 countries, while 2017 ranked 96th.

This index uses a score scale from 0 to 100. A score of 0 means the most corrupt, while the score of 100 is the cleanest.

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