Gerindra-PD senior officials meet before SBY-Prabowo meeting


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Democratic Party President Susilo Bambang Yudhyono and Gerindra Prabowo Subianto are scheduled to meet on Tuesday (24/7) next week. This meeting is a replacement meeting after the failure of the previous meeting because SBY is sick.

According to Deputy Secretary General of the Andi Arief Democrat, the meeting will be held at SBY's residence in the Kuningan region, South Jakarta

Ketum Gerindra Prabowo in Kuningan, "Andi said on his twitter account, @AndiArief__ , Sunday (22/7)

Before the meeting of the two main party leaders, there will be a meeting between three Democrats and the leaders Gerindra July 22-23 1965-19004] SBY and Prabowo will disclose the results of the meetings of the three party leaders during their meeting on July 24.

"The party meeting is not a conspiracy and a private consensus, all that concerns the public must be publicly announced."

Gerindra He is sure to bring Prabowo as a presidential candidate in the 2019 elections. But the coalition and the vice presidential candidates have not determined .PKS and PAN would be in coalition with Gerindra.

that the democ Rates have not made any choice so far. Democrats have the figure of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono to be promoted in the presidential election of 2019.
Democrats previously said that they will not abstain in the 2019 presidential election or will support one of the candidate pairs.

The current position of the Democratic presidential candidate is still centered on two names, Prabowo and Joko Widodo, who have received many supporters such as PDIP, Golkar, Nasdem, PPP and other parties

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