Gerindra: Reasonable Eggi Sudjana Support Amien Rais So Capres


Party President Gerindra Nizar Zahro respects the support of the Madani Coalition (KUM) led by Eggi Sudjana to PAN Honorary Council chairman Amien Rais to become presidential candidate of the 2019 presidential election. 19659002] Clear, Nizar baderted, Gerindra's decision to bring Prabowo Subianto to the presidential candidate is already dead. The decision to bring back Prabowo was confirmed to the Rakornas Gerindra party. Prabowo has also been mandated by Gerindra executives to fight again as president in the upcoming presidential election.

"We respect if Eggi supports Amien Rais as a presidential candidate, but does not change the decision of our party.," Nizar said Sunday (1/7/2018).

The reading of the statement of support to Amien Rais was conducted by the Council of Counselors of the fraternity 212 Eggi Sudjana. Nizar considered reasonable if Eggi wanted Amien or PAN figure forward to be a presidential candidate. Because Eggi is currently a legislative candidate of PAN

"It is natural that Eggi presents the chairman of the PAN Amien Rais Honorary Council as presidential candidate" It is quite natural that the PAN executives also support the PAN figures. "

Gerindra is ready to partner with any party, including PAN in the 2019 elections. With this condition, Prabowo should be a candidate for election. If we do not accept this attitude, Nizar invites Eggi to look for other partners of the coalition

"We are ready to partner with PAN or any party, provided to accept Mr. Prabowo as President, "said Nizar.

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Amin Rais hopes that the government should not be too hasty to lead Perppu number two of 2017 on mbad organizations and the to examine

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