Gesits officially becomes a national electric scooter


JAKARTA, – Gesits officially becomes a national electric scooter because it has obtained a company code and a vehicle identification number (NIK) from the general manager of metal, machinery, transportation equipment and the 39; Electronic (Dirjen Ilmate), Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry).

The code is the basis of the recognition of the country's electric scooters as domestically produced vehicles. In fact, Gesits was able to undergo type tests, which allowed him to be recognized as a legal vehicle on the road.

Harjanto, general manager of the Ilmate Industry Ministry, said Gesits was the first electric motor vehicle industry in Indonesia to receive the code.

Read also: CEO Gesits discloses information on Indonesian electric scooters [Video]

"We fully support the proper functioning of this electric motorcycle project in accordance with the instructions of the president, as it is the country's child labor," Harjanto said during an official broadcast Thursday (29/11 / 2018).

Gesits Packaging Company Code and Vehicle Identification Number (NIK)doc Gesits Gesits Packaging Company Code and Vehicle Identification Number (NIK)

Harun Sjech, CEO of PT Gesits Indo Technologies (GTI), added that there was no waste of time because all the processes were running smoothly.

Read also: CEO Gesits discloses information on Indonesian electric scooters [Video]

"Start submitting the application and, more importantly, the arrangement is free and this is very professional," said Harun.

This tights should be launched in January 2019. Many have wished to buy this electric scooter, even President Joko Widodo (Widodo) was interested in the transport of Gesits, if it was officially sold.

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