Get ready, Samsung Galaxy Note 9 will be released on August 9, 2018!


After many rumors circulated about the Galaxy Note 9 release schedule, Samsung has recently confirmed it.

Based on Samsung's social media site, the South Korean company will hold an event to release the Galaxy Note 9 on August 9th.

The teaser Samsung gave in the download did not explain much. But what is striking is the look of the Golden Pen that is likely to have a new gold variant of this flagship.

Still, Samsung is focusing on a stylus reinforced by recent rumors that claims that the accessory will support Bluetooth this year. So, users of the Galaxy Note 9 can use S Pen as a wireless speaker when they are near a connected device.

In addition, rumors are circulating about features allowing users to write on a blank sheet of paper. However, as the pen does not have ink, all that is written will be automatically saved as a note on the Galaxy Note 9 screen. Although it is not in direct contact with the device. Wow, it's an exciting technological breakthrough.

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