KOMPAS.com – In the coming days, the number of followers that some Twitter users may have decreases. The reason, Twitter will soon apply a new way of calculating followers.
Locked accounts will no longer count as follows any account they follow. As a result, "the number of subscribers appearing on multiple profiles could be down," said Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, in a tweet .
According to Twitter, most users will lose only four subscribers. But the accounts with many followers could lose in large numbers .
The Twitter account of US President Donald Trump, for example, reportedly lost 100,000 followers soon after being "recalculated" by Twitter. Meanwhile, subscribers to the account of former US President Barack Obama have been reduced by 400,000.
This week, we will remove locked Twitter accounts from followers accounts across profiles around the world. The number of followers displayed on many profiles may decrease. #health https://t.co/JGmE4ofoZ2
– jack (@jack) 11 July 2018
An account will be locked by Twitter if conditions are violated or if nothing can be done, for example shouting answering and mentioning in very large numbers, many being blocked by other accounts, or spreading spam.
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As summarized KompasTekno of The Verge Thursday (12/7/2018), Twitter can also lock an account if it is suspected to be hacked. In this case, the account will remain locked until the owner replaces the pbadword
"You apply follower's change as part of our efforts to Twitter a safer public conversation place, "Vijaya Gadde of the Twitter security team in a chirp.
It was not mentioned if Twitter would delete as and ever created by locked accounts. The recounting follower will be applied gradually to all users of Twitter in the coming days. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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