Gimik perfects the elegant appearance of Celine Dion in Jakarta


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – With the sunset, Saturday (7/7), the visitors of the concert Celine Dion Live 2018 begins to enter Sentul International Convention Center (SICC). The majority of visitors are between 30 and 55 years old. Reasonable reason, because Celine reached the late 80s until the early 2000s.

A number of visitors had run into the main room to hear lantern musical instruments. Instead of Celine, the singer on stage was Veronic DiCaire. The Canadian singer appeared as act of opening .

Appearance for about 30 minutes DiCaire was a lot of fun. He is able to imitate the sounds of famous musicians. As Mariah Carey, Adele, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Anggun C Sasmi

  Visitors line up to enter SICC to see Céline Dion's performance on Saturday (7/7). Visitors queue to enter the SICC to see Céline Dion's performance on Saturday (7/7). (CNN Indonesia / Adhi Wicaksono)

At 20:30 sharp, the lights and stage lighting are off. The musical singing sounded slowly as the lighting of the stage shone faintly. Soon, Celine went on stage, dressed in a gold blazer suit with a white shirt.

Without further ado, the Canadian singer played 19459007 The Power of Love (1993)] (1999). Wrinkles on the forehead and neck that clearly show the age of Celine Dion who is younger, but his voice is still the same as before.

"I think you supported me in music three decades ago, I want to make this night the best for you," Dion said.

The selection of successful songs in opening is the right decision. The emotion of the visitors was awake and focused on watching the concert. Especially when it appears without discordance, like Céline yesterday.

Approximately Céline played for one hour 45 minutes last night. The term "getting old becomes so" is right to describe Celine's voice. The quality of his voice no doubt, every song that he brought was perfectly impeccable.

This makes the appearance of elegant Celine. He proved his clbad as a great international singer.

On the other hand, a 50-year-old musician is smart to play the emotions of visitors through the song that has sung. The song of the happy and melancholy nuances that he composed so as to raise and lower the emotions of the visitors.

  Celine Dion did not make much noise to start her show at Sentul on Saturday 7/7. Celine Dion has not made much of her show Sentul, Saturday (7/7). (CNN Indonesia / Adhi Wicaksono)

He did not forget to insert a joke that managed to shake the belly of the audience, even with gimik-gimik on the sidelines. appearance

Like when he brought the song I'm Alive 2002) and Because you've loved me (1996) without pause. At the end of the song Because you liked me he asked the visitors to sing with the end of the song.

Even when he interpreted the song It's all now mine now (1996) Beauty and the Beast (1991). Changing her costume with a patterned black dress, Celine Dion remembers her experience by singing a song for a film before moving to "The Song Was Beauty and the Beast ] ] I sang it a long time ago, maybe some of you were not born yet.After that I had the chance to sing for another movie, a movie about something big that should float, yes Céline . 19659008] Céline also explains that he just sang for the movie Deadpool 2 which was published a few months ago. After his story, he continued his performance by performing the song Ashes (2018), Think Twice (1993) and Falling Into You (1996) without pause .

A rousing gym is presented when Céline sings the song Falling Into You . At the beginning of the song, he had time to dance Latin-American style with a male pedan. Immediately, the dancer opened the underside of the dress to make a sleeveless blouse.

Celine still presents the gimik after the performance. He asked for a kiss on the cheek when the crew removed the condenser mic on his cheek

The emotion of the happy visitors dissolves slowly when Celine interprets nuanced melancholy such as For You M & D Encore (1945), (2016) and All by myself (1996). (19459008) Recovery

  Although not younger, the voice of Celine Dion is still the same as in the past Although not being younger, the voice of Celine Dion during The execution at Sentul, Saturday (7/7), always the same as the good old days. (CNN Indonesia / Adhi Wicaksono)

"Replace Sebantar's mood, 2016 the hardest because I lost my husband, Rene Angélil.Pink wrote me a song Recovering a song that represents strength in all circumstances, I am in a difficult time, "said Céline.

Celine looks very moved at the song Retrouvant . A sad look on his face. Even her eyes were watery for a moment and walked backstage.

Celine changed her clothes in a black sleeveless dress. The emotions of returning visitors were happy when Celine performed the song At Seventeen (2013), A New Day Happened (2002) and Unison (1990) ) four strokes, followed by To love more (1993)


He re-transforms himself into a silver tbadel blouse with a pink belt. With the outfit, Celine performed the song Kiss (1986) and Purple Rain (1984) owned by Prince. After that, he asked the audience to get up and dance when the song Love Can Move Mountains (1992) and River Deep Mountain High (1996) in the medley

. the stage lighting is off. Visitors who have the impression that the appearance of Celine is over have immediately shouted " we want more "

Sayup sounds the long-distance song My Heart Will Go On (1997). The screen supported by the scene displays oceanic images that recall scenes from the movie Titanic (1997). Celine Dion returns to the first scene in Jakarta with a white dress with a thin pink canvas on the front and side as if she was wearing a long dress. Dion sang the song My Heart Will Go On One of the most famous songs of Celine

A number of visitors to the initiative walked to the front of the stage to see Celin go bring closer. The majority of them are capturing the moment.

The Song My Heart Will Continue has become the perfect cover. It's a melancholy song, but there is no other way to cover the elegant appearance of an international diva named Celine Dion. (end)

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