Go-Jek, which launches in Singapore, targets hundreds of thousands of users


SINGAPORE, KOMPAS.com – The transportation application provider of a technology company, Go-Jek, has started launching a beta version in Singapore. The presence of Go-Jek complements the competition in online transport in Singapore.

The beta version of Go-Jek allows consumers to order online transport. However, consumers can only access online transport in limited areas.

Still, Go-Jek thinks it can attract consumers to Singapore.

"After four years of presence in Indonesia, we are competing with two big giants and we can continue to be the most dominant player in Indonesia.I think we have a number of levees to compete with some of them. "said President Go-Jek Andre Soelistyo quoted by CNBC, Thursday (29/11/2018).

Read also: Launch of Go-Jek in Singapore

Go-Jek revealed that the beta phase would begin with several thousand driver partners, said Go-Jek, Raditya Wibowo, global transportation manager. However, Go-Jek hopes to serve hundreds of thousands of users before its full launch, which should take place in early 2019.

Go-Jek also collaborated with DBS, one of Asia's largest banks, which has millions of customers in Singapore. This partnership allows DBS customers to gain priority in using the Go-Jek app.

Some time ago, Andre in Singapore revealed that he would provide promotional codes. However, he explained that Go-Jek would differentiate itself from similar companies.

Read also: 50% of Go-Pay transactions remain in the Go-Jek ecosystem

Go-Jek is very popular in Indonesia. Go-Jek processes more than 100 million transactions for 20 to 25 million active users per month.

Singapore is part of the planned expansion of Go-Jek in Southeast Asia. Go-Jek also said that they would invest about 500 million US dollars under this plan.

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