Going to trial, Roro Fitria comes with Cetar Makeup


BANGKAPOS.COM – Roro Fitria will undergo the first trial of cases of drug abuse that trap him.

The first trial is held in the South Jakarta District Court Thursday (28/6/2018) Prosecutors

Monitoring Grid.ID Roro Fitria arrived with the South Jakarta district prosecutor's escort at 12:55

Despite his trial, Roro Fitria is still beautiful with makeup (19459007) was seen to fill his cheek, his eyes were given a touch of eye- liner and mascara.

Not to mention his eyebrows also look quivering and black in color with an additional colored lipstick pink .

As for his hair, he braids to the side with a bangs that remain on the forehead

While he continues to walk to the detention room. the court, Roro expressed his willingness to undergo the first trial.

He then asked prayers to the media team for this session

"Bismillah, please pray for friends," says Roro Fitria smiling occasionally. White and black pants also reveal that his current state is good to undergo the inaugural trial.

Previously, Roro Fitria was arrested by the police for abuse of narcotic-type shabu at his residence, Ragunan area, South Jakarta on February 14, 2018.

The arrest was the police managed to Obtain evidence in the form of sabu weighing 2.4 grams, proof of purchase shabu transfer and telephone conversation.

For his actions, now Roro Fitria put on suspicion of drug addiction and taken with Article 114 paragraph (1) paragraph (1) juncto Article 132 of the IR Law Number 35 Year 2009 on Narcotic Drugs with a Criminal Threat over five years. (*)

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