Golkar party ready to stop Bener Bener Meriah


Golkar entrusts KPK with legal proceedings against Bener Meriah regent

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Golkar party to dismiss Bener Meriah Ahmadi Regent if KPK (KPK) Officially establishes as a suspect. Ahmadi was also arrested with Aceh Governor Irwandi Yusuf in KPK 's operation on Tuesday (3/7).

Golkar party chairman Ace Hasan Syadzily said his party would wait for official KPK information. "If for example it is proved that he broke the law, Golkar as an integrity pact signed by the meeting of regional leaders and the Golkar party in Indonesia, must be prepared with all the consequences, including executives". 4/7)

Nevertheless, his party always advances the presumption of innocence to the person concerned. Indeed, he was informed that there had been no transaction during the arrest of Ahmadi by the KPK

"Not in the course of transaction, but of course KPK himself, yes, linked to OTT led by KPK to Ahmadi Regent ".

As a result, he said, Golkar has filed a lawsuit with the KPK. Including to convey chronologically how the process occurred in connection with the arrest of Governor Irwandi Yusuf and Ahmadi Regent.

Ace stated that Golkar also provides legal badistance to Ahmadi as long as requested by the concerned. "If they ask yes, we help, but otherwise yes it is not necessary," said Vice President of Commission VIII DPR

KPK arrested the hands of Aceh Governor Irwandi Yusuf and Bener Meriah Regent Ahmadi Tuesday (3/7) yesterday. The Commission is investigating the alleged link of 500 million rupees with Aceh's OTT (Special Autonomy Fund) in 2018.

"The team is studying the alleged link between 500 million Rp and the Aceh 's special autonomy fund in the year 2018, "KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah said in Jakarta on Wednesday (4/7).

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