Google Bans the Crypto Money App in the Play Store


Jakarta, Selular.ID- Google does pretty good things about apps that are considered worse. By removing a number of apps in its Google Play app store

Mashable, Google has updated its development policy for Android apps, including the removal of crypto crypto extraction related apps.

Google also bans applications sensing financial fraud In addition to extracting virtual currency, Google is acting harsher against apps aimed at kids but contains adult content, such as containing images of badual violence against the children.

hate speech, Google will also remove these applications, as well as discrimination based on bad, violence and self harm or other factors. Google will delete the developer and distributor accounts badociated with and report them to law enforcement officers

Apple also removes the application of encryption currency

G oogle following the decision of Apple to remove the cryptomining applications from their app market, Play Store.

Apple has officially banned the activity of extracting cryptocurrency on its devices, which they include in the revision guidelines on the App Store.

Apple removed the Calendar 2 application from the Mac App Store in March 2018, after the application was intercepted by crypto-mint as payment for its premium features. Apple is in the process of deleting its application for violating the application procedures in the App Store, that is, the application must not suck the battery quickly, generate excessive heat or taking resources. unnecessary devices.

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