Google has finally stopped producing the latest range of Nexus smartphones


Google has finally stopped producing the latest range of Nexus smartphones
Google Nexus 6P (Google)

We currently know that Google is focusing on two things, namely the development of its latest operating system (OS), the Android P 9.0 and rankings. smartphone Last pixel. Unfortunately, this evolution must sacrifice many things.

This time, two victims who fell were smartphone these are the Nexus 5X and 6P. On its official website, Google has decided to end the support and updates of both devices.

Ubergizmo (7/11) announced that the search engine giant would no longer provide support for Nexus 5X and 6P updates after the end of November 2018. Both devices did not even receive any Android update from September 2017.

Users on both devices were still receiving Google security updates. This update is very important for users to counter hacker attacks on their devices. Thus, when the device no longer receives security updates, it will be very weak if it is hit by an attack.

This means that Google has actually killed all the remaining Nexus families. For information, the Nexus 5X and 6P are two smartphone Google created its first pixel series in 2016.

Although this has been anticipated by users, it is a pity. Because the users of both devices are still numerous. But given the age of three, changing devices could be a logical choice.

For your information, the Nexus 5X is smartphone the result of the collaboration between Google and LG. While the Nexus 6P is smartphone the results of their collaboration with Huawei.

Both devices present equipment the best at the time, and got the latest OS support among the fastest smartphone These two elements are one of the main benefits they have achieved to attract the hearts of users.

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