Google Kena Karma, his flagship engineer is now hijacked Facebook

[ad_1], Jakarta – Action-plowing-hijacking of strategic players not only happens to football teams, but also to tech companies. This time, Facebook officially recruited Google's top engineers to boost their chip business.

Interestingly, practically the hacking of Google engineers is a "karmic law" for a similar act that Google has done to Apple. The Google engineer Shahriar Rabii worked for Google and directly directs his silicon development program. Previously, Rabii ran a division that designed chips for Google devices, including the Visual Core Pixel.

As information, the Visual Core Pixel is an imagery chip that allows third-party applications like Instagram to obtain HDR + features similar to Google Camera app

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Facebook itself has shown that they have ambitions to create their own processors. This is seen when the work of social media giant Mark Zuckerberg has drawn up a list of jobs to fill positions in the new division.

One of those who was looking for was someone capable of managing the set SoC / ASIC, pilot and development pilot . Facebook is one of the largest companies in the world today, but it does not really include hardware, especially chips.

Hiring engineers with special skills may be the way to go for Facebook instead of wasting time.

See also: Facebook and Twitter Secretly Meet Conservative Party Leaders

Facebook Rabii Recruitment Also Reported to Andrew Bosworth, Head of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Division . Reality (AR). Might be, Rabii will help Facebook to make its own chip for Oculus VR devices.

Previously, Facebook is developing a tablet that allows users to make video calls as well as smart speakers like Amazon Echo. (WS / FHP)

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