Google Launches Security Update, Pixel and Nexus


MOUNTAIN VIEW – Google has confirmed that its Android security patch has been launched from this day on different Pixel and Nexus smartphones.

A total of eight improvements, including the ability to allow remote code execution of the WLAN component.

Google can fix up to 24 additional vulnerabilities listed as "high" security threats, including bugs that allow software to access personal information, whether intentional or unintentional .

Reported by the Arena Phone Page (07/04/2018) Some of the smartphones that have received this update are Google Pixel and Pixel XL, as well as the Pixel 2 and Pixel C Tablet qualifiers for bets. patch updates. While NExus 6P from Huawei and LG Nexus 5X will also receive a pitch update

This time to update and download files from the official website.

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