Gunung Agung Erupsi again, Kalla assures the government is handling the refugees with generosity


JAKARTA, – Gunung Agung, located in Karangasem, Bali, again erupted on Monday (07/02/2018) at 21.04 Wita

The eruption is known accompanied by gusts of incandescent lava which caused a fire around (19659002) Also read: Tuesday morning, Agung Mountain was still shaken 2 times Eruption

Therefore, he appealed to all people around the Gunung Agung area so as not to panic.

"(Eruption) Gunung Agung is natural," Kalla told the Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (3/7/2018). ] Vice President Jusuf Kalla during a statement to the press at the Palace of Vice President, Jakarta, Thursday (21/06/2018). "/> MOH NADLIR Vice President Jusuf Kalla during a statement to the press at the Palace of the Vice President, Jakarta, Thursday (21/6/2018). [19659005] In addition, the government said earlier that Kalla had also prepared various places for refugees in a safe place.

"This was not a novelty, a few months ago, prepared shelters, food, water. again, it will come back like this, "said Kalla.

Read also: Mount Agung Lontarkan Incandescent lava, residents begin Refuge

National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) also, at- he says, the National Agency for Research and Rescue or the National Agency for Research and Rescue also knew his duty to take care of the victims of natural disasters.

"There is BNPB, some Basarnas, some (local) governments already know their homework, "said the president of the Indonesian Red Cross (19459002) Kompas TV People are worried about the reissue of the Agung volcano

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