JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The Election Watch Agency (Bawaslu) stresses the lack of political parties that register future candidates for legislative (caleg). The situation does not only happen at the regional level, but also at the center.
Whereas the process of registration of candidates will be closed on Tuesday (17/7/2018) at 24:00 WIB. "The number of political parties that register caleg is still minimal," said Mochammad Afiffudin, coordinator of the socialization and supervision division, during a press conference at the Bawaslu office in Jakarta on Monday (16/7 / 2018). 19659002] At the central level of the KPU, only the Nasdem party has already registered the candidates. However, according to Bawaslu, there are a number of things that need to be addressed, as Electoral District 24 was not eligible.
Meanwhile, 15 other political parties did not register their candidates at the central KPU.
See also: List of Candidates Caleg, Nasdem Party Turns Mbad into KPU
At the provincial level, the number of political parties registering candidates is also minimal. In East Kalimantan and Gorontalo, only six political parties registered. Meanwhile, in southeastern Sulawesi, only five parties registered
in central Sulawesi, Bengkulu, West Papua, Bali, DKI Jakarta, Bali, Jambi and Banten only three parties. Meanwhile, South Sulawesi, Papua, NTT, Riau, West Java, North Maluku, Yogyakarta and West Sulawesi are only two parties
As North Sulawesi, Maluku, East Java South Sumatra, West Kalimantan, NTB and North Sumatra a part. Even in Central Java, no political party has registered its candidates
According to the data, Bawaslu predicts that the density of candidate registration will take place on the last day of registration.
Kompas TV Three days before the closing of the registration of the legislative candidate there is still no political party to register his legislative candidate at the KPU
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