Habib Rizieq Instructions, drowning the bull – VIVA


VIVA – General President of the Fraternity of the Ancients 212 (AP 212) Slamet Ma 'arif spoke of the advancement of one of Habb Rizieq Shihab's lawyers, Kapitra Ampera, candidate for the legislative candidate of the PDIP

It is clear that the PA 212 under the command of Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) will never support anyone carried by a religious thought group, not to mention IDP. HRS's instructions are clear, roll, drown Taurus. Now it becomes clear that who is obedient and treacherous. "Slamet said when contacted VIVA, Friday, July 20, 2018.

Slamet explained that Kapitra's position was only a part of the legal team, not the core of taking care of all the cases of Habib Rizieq, laws that are not online. "I can be sure that I will not use the services of lawyers or religious penis defenders, especially Banteng," he said.

As is known, the Indonesian Democratic Party confirmed that Kapitra Ampera had progressed as a legislative candidate.Kapitra is known as the lawyer of Rizieq Shibab will represent the constituency (Dapil) West Sumatra. )

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