Hacked website, KPU will strengthen the security system


– KPU chairman Arief Budiman said that any Internet-based information system would be possible to hack, including the fast counting system owned by KPU (Situng).

The system up to now according to Arief continues to obtain (19659002) "All the time you have a system that is still possible to be hacked." We can, "do not hack?" Everyone has different thoughts, different ideas yan hacking, "he said at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (2/7/2018).

Arief said that hacking does not happen. did not disturb the electoral stadium that had been established by the KPU.According to him, the hacked Situng is only to speed up the information to the public

"But in law it is mentioned that the counting process recapitulation up to To the determination is based on a hierarchical summary Manually with the news of the event done at each level ".] However, according to Arief, the KPU will continue to evaluate the information system that has experienced the The KPU will continue to strengthen the security system even if the possibility of piracy still exists.

"All the weaknesses that we will evaluate will improve our ability to secure, our speed, our capacity, our capabilities, of course every event Election is a lesson for us.

Currently, the fast counting site infopemilu.KPU.go.id is temporarily closed. The closure was due to a lot of hacking attacks on the site.

"Because of the numerous attacks coming in. KPU has studied it.At rather than anti-inflammatory, we then hold it first," said Arief

. Central KPU. However, the incoming data will be stored first

"But to avoid this is open the attack continues and then the public added that this information is really lost and we are holding that," he said

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