Health unit discovers 24 new cases of HIV / AIDS


INDOPOS.CO.ID – Throughout 2018 (January-November), the District Health Unit in Lebak has revealed up to 24 new cases of people with HIV / AIDS. According to reports, people living with HIV / AIDS during the period (2000-2017) in the regency of Lebak reached 215 people, 96 of whom died.

Dr. Firman Rahmatullah, Head of Communicable Disease Prevention and Environmental Health at the Lebak District Health Unit, said the discovery of a new case of life-threatening disease was discovered after the patient had returned to the public hospital of Adjidarmo Rangkasbitung and that she was positive for the HIV / AIDS virus. "Most of the 24 new discoveries identified were housewives who had been infected by their husbands and were HIV-positive.

Most cases of HIV / AIDS are due to free bad, "Dr Firman Rahmatullah told INDOPOS on Monday (26/11).

Firman acknowledged that the spread of HIV / AIDS in the district of Lebak was quite alarming and that prevention should be carried out continuously, involving various elements of society, local authorities, religious leaders, educational institutions, including the media.

"We hope the community will be aware of the need to prevent the spread of deadly diseases whose medicines have not been discovered, in different ways through religious approaches," he said. -he declares.

According to Mr Firman, the spread of the HIV / AIDS virus in the regency of Lebak can be described as an iceberg because the number of people affected is actually very difficult to know, but it continues to increase.

"Patients who are known to be positive contract the deadly virus after treatment for other diseases and it was recently discovered that HIV was infected after having blood tests." But we suspect that most cases of patients were not detected by the medical team because they were not examined, "he added.

HM Sukirman, head of Lebak's health department, added that anticipating his efforts to prevent the spread of the deadly disease, his party was optimizing socialization in schools, universities and community organizations.

"We urge the younger generation not to have free bad and drugs because they are vulnerable to the spread of HIV / AIDS.

We also hope that the continued involvement of religious leaders, families and communities will prevent the spread of the deadly disease, "said Kadinkes.

The public relations officer at Adjidarmo Rangkasbitung Hospital, Budi Kuswandi, said that all people with HIV / AIDS who are on antiretroviral therapy or antiretroviral therapy are not charged because they have received help. of the government.

"Antiretroviral therapy can not cure HIV, but it can take a long time, the treatment we offer is free, but it will certainly be much better if the number of people on HIV / AIDS treatment does not increase," he said. Budi.(Yas)

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