Heboh Ariel NOAH called Pevita Pearce Street


Bintang.com, Jakarta Pevita Pearce Santer is called women who are taken by the hand Ariel NOAH. Through a series of downloads in one of the gossip accounts on Instagram, this news has circulated and immediately attracting attention not just a few people.

From a collage photo showing a man and a woman supposedly Ariel-Pevita, this scene until it is shared by video. In the recording of the image, a long-haired woman wore outside colorful ash that took the singer.

This speculation is also supported by a collage of photos that allows a man to take pictures with Ariel and Keenan Pearce's sister separately, but always with a background, as well as similar clothes.

Thanks to the description of the photo, the gossip account administrator had warned the public not quickly baper. If they are right to walk together, who knows that this situation is similar to when Ariel was found to spend time with Agnez Mo because he's busy with one? project.

However, the speculation of proximity Pevita Pearce and Ariel NOAH already kadung spread. Pros, also against so-called past-time observations together appear in the answer row in the comments column.

Ariel NOAH notices his state of health.

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