Heboh Xiaomi Mi 8 Explorer Edition Use a counterfeit card!


  Mi 8 Explorer Edition
Mi 8 Explorer Edition Copyright © gizchina

Xiaomi Mi 8 Explorer Edition Has a unique transparent case

Smeaker.com – Recently, Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi launched his latest high-end smartphone that bears the name Xiaomi Mi 8 Explorer Edition.

At launch, this smartphone has attracted the attention of fans of Xiaomi (Mi Fans), the article of the design concept in the usungnya so unique, and still no other manufacturer does not # 39; applies.

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On the back, this Xiaomi Mi 8 Explorer protector is made transparent, allowing users to view the printed circuit board ( PCB) directly from the device, and one of the functions of PCD is to process the processor to (19659008) Mi 8 Explorer Edition "width =" 599 "height =" 501 "srcset =" https : //smeaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Mi-8-Explorer-Edition.jpg 599w, https://smeaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Mi-8- Explorer-Edition-300×251.jpg 300w, https://smeaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Mi-8-Explore-Edition-502×420.jpg 502w "sizes =" (max-width: 599px) 100vw, 599px “/>

Mi 8 Explorer Copyright © gizchina

However, it turns out that the visible PCB is a fake, this is not the original PCB that works. proves that this has become a public secret, and Xiaomi's side does not deny it more

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According to a representative of Xiaomi say, if the PCD is clearly visible on Xiaomi Mi 8 Explorer it is only decorative. And since the beginning of this manufacturer does not claim to have the intention to deceive the Mi Fans.

When it appeared, this Android phone is shown will carry the essence of the opening. Party Xiaomi mentions if the user can later look at the components of the phone at the naked eye. And that makes the Mi Fans have a perception if indeed the component is real.

Meanwhile, the interrogation on the PCB belonging to Xiaomi Mi 8 Explorer has been hidden more deeply, and it may not be as beautiful on. Please note, if the original map requires a very convenient place for the cooling system can work more optimally.

Well for the price of this smartphone is quite expensive dibasaranol, which has reached 8 million peruntinya in China.

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