Here is the last Nining Sunarsih condition, physically start improving, start talking but slowly


Report of Journalist Jabar, Ferri Amiril Mukminin

TRIBUNJABAR.ID, CIANJUR – The physical condition of Nining (53 years old) hospitalized for nearly two weeks at Syamsudin hospital in Sukabumi began to improve

. weighted by the mental health team of Syamsudin District Hospital, but Nining started talking a few words. "The last condition has begun to speak, the meal is good, it will be home soon and can be outpatient," said the head of the team for handling complaints and processing information RSUD . Syamsudin dr Wahyu Handriana, Friday (13/7) when confirmed Nining related conditions.

Revelation said that the most important thing that captured the media is the physical chart of Nining's health that began to normal unlike when he came to the hospital. talk is good, stress levels have started to drop, so if the accompanying family continues, "said Revelation.

Revelation said that Nining's mental health condition is still found guilty of a deep depression. "Nining is still doomed to deep depression, but he said a word of two words again slowly," he said.

Revelation said Nining was kept in an isolation room at the time arrived. But now he is treated regularly

"While waiting for the following result, may have been ambulatory," said Revelation

As stated by Nining (53) was horrible because of its emergence suddenly after 1.5 years disappeared . The Sukabumi police team immediately investigated and finally found no evidence that Nining was drowned in Palabuanratu Beach.

Police revealed a scenario to avoid debt debts surrounding Nining
. (fam)

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