Here is the performance allowance of the police count as of August 2018


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – A 70% increase in Indonesian police performance benefits (tukin) will soon be implemented. The performance allowance will increase by about 23.7% compared to what is now acquired by police members.

"Up to 23.7% of performance awards are now received," said General Bambri Giri, chief of the Financial Center (Kapuskeu). , Thursday, July 12, 2018.

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The increase is valid for all levels of force. The new rate will be in force by August 2018. Because, until now, the police are still waiting for the presidential settlement (Perpres) and the regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) which should be out late July 2018

Currently, based on the Government Regulation No. 32 of 2015 on the regulation of police salaries In Indonesia, there are four groups with different pay scales.

In group I or enlisted, the salary of Polri members is in the range of 1.5 to 2.8 million rupiahs. For members of Group II or members of the Council, wages range from Rs 2 to Rs 3.8 million. Then, in group III or the first officer, the salary received ranges from 2.6 million to 4.5 million rupiah. While clbad IV, divided into two.

"Average officers ranging from Rp 2.8 million to Rp 4.9 million, while the officer is Rp 3.1 million to Rp 5.6 million," said Bambang. [19659002] Earlier, in June 2018, President Joko Widodo had already said that he would increase the ranks of TNI and the police by 70%. (19659002) "I'm announcing a 70% increase in TNI Police's performance allocation," Jokowi told TNI headquarters. Cilangkap, June 5, 2018.

Chief of Police General Tito Karnavian also appreciated the good news. According to him, the performance allowance is very significant for police personnel, especially for those who are on duty outside the region.

For example, the police who served at the border or Bhayangkara Pembina security and public order (Bhabinkamtibmas). The existence of such benefits, Tito said, makes the staff more enthusiastic to work.

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