Here is the person behind the Kiki viral challenge who is unknown to know


SERAMBINEWS.COM – Viralnya Kiki The challenge drawn from one of the words of Drake's song In My Feelings makes one wonder who Kiki really is.

Kiki is there a fictional character or a great source of inspiration for Drake? (19659002) This woman is the full name of Keshia Chante.

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Keshia Chante, aka Kiki, is known as an R & B singer, television host and actress.

2013 interview, Drake once told Keshia:

"You are one of those I love, many people do not know it, but I've already made rap songs on you."

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Before Kiki Challenge becomes viral, in 2009, in a collection of selected songs & # 39; Born Successful & # 39 ;, Drake also increased his relationship with Chante. with the words:

"Keshia, Keshia, do you remember the old us?"

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