Here's a Twitter jump from spam accounts and dangerous bots


Twitter is still a social media that many people use in Indonesia, one of them to know what is happening in real time

Conscious of this, Twitter was (19459006) to help to achieve this goal, Twitter introduced a number of new measures to combat abuse and trolls a new policy dealing with the discourse of hatred and violence, as well as the addition of resources to fight against spam and abuse.

Twitter also continues to work against spam and malicious robots. One of them is to be proactive in identifying fake accounts rather than in the expectation of user reports.

In this case, Twitter focuses on the development of machine learning bot.

Twitter is thought to be able to cope with the manipulation of large-scale Twitter conversations across languages ​​and time zones, not to mention reports.

May 2018, the social network system made by Jack Dorsey cs is capable of recognizing and cracking 9.9 million accounts spam or bots weekly.

The figure is up from December 2017 (6, 4 million) and September 2017 (3.2 million).

Twitter claims, with this system update, that it can remove 214% more accounts spam from year to year.

According to Twitt data The average number of spam messages dropped from 25,000 a day in March to 17,000 a day in May.

In early 2018, Twitter also said it has suspended more than 142,000 apps that violate Twitter's rules. [19659003] In fact, from April to May, Twitter has removed more than 49,000 malicious accounts.

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