High School Meeting, Via Vallen Floods Question When Nikah? That's the answer


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – The name of Via Vallen is becoming popular among people

The original sword of Sidoarjo is best known for his nitong songs in recent months .

All movements of Via Vallen do not escape the attention of Internet users

Like the recent activity of Via Vallen uploaded on his personal Instagram.

Not so long ago, Via Vallen shared the moment when he visited his high school first.

Reported by Tribunjateng.com from Tribunjatim .com via Instagram Account Via Vallen, uploaded photos Thursday (28/06/2018) shows Via Vallen taking pictures with his teachers.

In addition, Via Vallen also posted photos with his friends on Friday (29 /6/2018).

In the picture we see a lot of friends Via Vallen who was carrying a child.

Many netizens who have touted Via Vallen because of the image.

The reason, Via Vallen is considered not to forget with his teacher is now a famous artist.

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