Hilda Vitria Terma Master, Defense of Billy Syahputra – VIVA


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VIVA – The love story of Billy Syahputra with Hilda Vitria never goes out of the shadows. Starting from love triangle with Kriss Hatta to get no blessing from Billy's parents. In addition, Hilda was also accused of being a daughter master . This badumption becomes stronger after Billy and Hilda return from Australia.

Billy does not remain silent about the cruel accusations against his lover. Billy came to his defense. Billy says that he does not feel hurt Hilda. After meeting Hilda, Billy says his livelihood increases.

"Hilda never asks me the same thing.If I suppose give the gift of goods, or the ticket is of my wish.Alhamdulillah, because Hilda is my best fortune," said Billy during a meeting in the Mampang region, south of Jakarta.

All people are saying about Hilda, Billy is trying to shut his ears. He cares because he knows his lover more than anyone else.

"I run myself, I know Hilda, people say that Hilda, Hilda is spelled Master A, B, C but I know, (who) lives," he says.

Billy insists that his love story with Hilda is going well and smoothly. He was happy about Hilda's presence on his side

"Although there is a lot of trouble on the outside about Hilda, I'm not I'm not happy about the same Hilda, "he said.


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