Historical ship Indonesia between the flame of the Asian Games in Makassar – VIVA


VIVA – The 2018 Asian Games Torch Relay arrived in Makbadar on Sunday, July 29, 2018. This light was escorted by the historic Indonesian ship, KRI Dewaruci.

KRI Dewaruci is one of the known Indonesian ships world-wide. The vessel, which measures 58.3 meters long and 9.5 meters wide, is an old 65-year-old ship used for cadet training at the Naval Academy.

In addition, the most remarkable thing is to have gone around the world twice. The first took place in 1964 and the second in 2012.

It is for this reason that the inhabitants of Makbadar participated in the animation of the relay of the flame. The command of KRI Dewaruci, Lt. Col. Waluyo Sea has admitted to be ready to support the success of the 2018 Asian Games. "The arrival of KRI Dewaruci in Makbadar to carry out the task of fighting the torch of the Asian Games of 2018 in the waters of Makbadar ". "We are ready to 90 percent, although the age of the ship is quite old, 65, but we have to carry out the torch relay in the waters of Makbadar," he said.19659007 Previous fire Asian Games 2018 stay at Tanjung Bira Bulukumba District and taken by KRI Dewaruci to Lantamal 6 and then headed to Losari Beach. The torch was taken directly to the governor's house in South Sulawesi.

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