History of SD Yogya Origin teacher who practiced as an astronaut in the United States


  Training of Astronauts and Outer Space in the United States Space & Rocket Center (USSRC)

Training of Astronauts and Outer Space in the United States Space & Rocket Center (USSRC) in Huntsville, Alabama, United States (Photo: Nur Fitriana )

For some people, astronauts may be just dreams. But if there is the will and the effort, anything can happen. As happened to a teacher from SDN Deresan, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, named Nur Fitriana.

Fitri, his nickname, was recently trained to become an astronaut in Huntsville, Alabama, USA. For five days, from June 21 to 25, 2018, Fitri followed an astronaut training and Outer Space at the US Space and Rocket Center (USSRC).

To the journalists Tuesday (3/7), Fitri tells At the beginning, he could follow the training. In 2015, she received information from her friend who is one of the alumni of the Honeywell Educators at Space Academy Program (HESA)

  Training Astronauts and Outer Space in the United States United. Space & Rocket Center (USSRC)

Training of Astronauts and Outer Space in the United States Space & Rocket Center (USSRC) in Huntsville, Alabama, United States (Photo: [19659014] Dr. Nur Fitriana )

The HESA program is a program that studies a wide range of space sciences. When he received information from his friend, Fitri was interested but had time to doubt that the program could support his knowledge, especially in teaching.

"There is a Southeast Asian event, there is a story of friends Fitri then began to study international journals about astronauts who were closely related to science, the Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) .Total for 1.5 Years Fitri prepare.

  Training of Astronauts and Outer Space in the United States Space & Rocket Center (USSRC)

Training of Astronauts and Outer Space in the United States Space and Rocket Center (USSRC) in Huntsville, Alabama, United States Nur Fitriana )

Up to until September 2017, Fitri ventured to register online, after knowing that the mission of the astronaut not only flew away. to the spaceships but saved the earth.As for the education and habits of the characters, he thinks that he is very good and relevant for his profession of educator.

"I have attached a research article on batteries filled with leather of fruits and vegetables to become an alternative source of electricity. bricks, I submit learning using used goods, "he continued.

Then, on December 28, 2017, Fitri also pbaded the selection. He became one of 10 people from Indonesia who was selected to take the training.

  Training of Astronauts and Outer Space in the United States Space & Rocket Center (USSRC)

Training of Astronauts and Outer Space in the United States In order to qualify for the HESA program, Fitri must compete more or less with 2,776 (19659031) registered from 67 countries around the world. The competition was through test questions and articles.

Fitri had no idea when he was spending the program. Fitri admitted to being shocked when she went blind early in the morning to receive an email in English announcing that she was selected to participate in Honeywell Educators at Space Academy at the USSRC in Huntsville, United States. Alabama.

"Initially, I did not think it would be acceptable when I first read the email, translated into Indonesian to make sure it was true" , proudly says Fitri

. Space & Rocket Center (USSRC)

Training of Astronauts and Outer Space in the United States Space and Rocket Center (USSRC) in Huntsville, Alabama, United States (Photo: ] Dr. Nur Fitriana )

Fitri finally left for the United States to undergo training from June 21 to 25, 2018. For five days, Fitri learned a lot of things going to be trained at a astronaut, simulating a plane ride in space, engine systems, and so on.

"There is also training, mentality and discipline, and there are practices that use technology and the use of used goods in STEM. We are five days into a real astronaut ", 1965, p. Space & Rocket Center (USSRC) "data-reactid =" 364 "/>

Training of Astronauts and Outer Space in the United States Space & Rocket Center (USSRC) in Huntsville, Alabama, United States United States Dr. Nur Fitriana )

Fitri also had the opportunity to try tools NASA . "If you do not try the great loss of the tool (NASA) ", Fitri.

Training according to Fitri there is a benefit for teachers to understand with STEM and able to apply good learning methods to students. Not only that, the teacher was supposed to practice something with the objects around.

Never rejected elementary school, but now achievement

Behind the achievements are flashy, there is a unique story from the mother of three children Fitri admitted that when he was younger, he was refused to enter the eco the primary because he had no certificate of kindergarten.

Until finally there is only one school that accepts it. But after that, he was able to show his best ability by grabbing a continuous clbad champion until high school. He wanted to have a free school for disadvantaged and orphaned children, "said Fitri

. Training of Astronauts and Outer Space Rocket Center (USSRC)

Training of Astronauts and Outer Space at the US Space & Rocket Center (USSRC) in Huntsville, Alabama, United States United (Photo: Dr. Nur Fitriana )

This feat made him more busy, not just a teaching obligation, he was also invited to various activities. When the reel chatted with him, Fitri explained that he was in Jakarta to meet the invitation. Fitri.

The departure of Fitri in Alabama, USA, was appreciated by SD Deresan's director, Indah Lestari. In the eyes of Indah, Fitri is an innovative and creative teacher, especially in the application of teaching methods. 659069] Fitri invites more students to practice directly. Therefore, Indah explained, Fitri's students were becoming more interested in a number of topics, including mathematics. For other teachers, Fitri did not hesitate to share the knowledge that he could abroad.

"Examples of scientific learning if you have to go to the river yes children were invited to the river, so that children do not get bored"

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