Hm, Like what Sih Airbag for Smartphone


AKURAT.CO A German student innovates to protect smartphones from the damage caused by the fall.

Philip Frenzel, engineering student at Universi Aalen, Germany, wrote legs at each smartphone corner. The legs will expand when smartphone falls . This innovation is touted as smartphone airbag .

Mashable City, Tuesday (3/7), the work of Frenzel calls ADcase. This unusual case has been equipped with sensors to read the distance between the phone and the ground surface. Of course, this case will not prevent the phone from being damaged because it does not touch the ground.

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Thanks to its creation, Frenzer has been awarded by the German Mechatronics Society. With ADcase, Frenzel will patent its idea. In addition, he will also run a business with Kickstarter.

Relative to what the price of this ADcase, Frenzel does not express it in detail and price. But should slide in this month of July. This ADCase in its first episode will target smartphone iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, up to the iPhone X.

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