Horrified! Shot and his body is lying, that's the fate of the thugs of the Soeharto era


SURATKABAR.ID – The X and Y generations, born in the 80s, experienced the era of the New Order – the era when the government of Suharto was still in power in Indonesia. In the 1980s, at that time, the security apparatus was getting warmed by the thugs of the popular hardened street with the name of a combination of wild kids (dig).

In fact, as reported in TribunNews.com, Saturday (07/07/2018), their action once disrupted the workings of the Indonesian economy. For example, the terminal area that is already controlled by the excavations is making bus contractors continue to lose. This is due to the fact that many buses and trucks are flying in the streets and so on.

President Soeharto then ordered the immediate formation of a team of TNI / Polri members (then ABRI / Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia). (19659002) Until 1982, Polri, under the leadership of the National Police Chief, Awaloedin Djamin, had conducted various operations of criminal eradication.

Arrested to be shot, the state of the thumb was still the same

More sequel, citing reportase Surya.co.id the police at the time launched various operations d & rsquo; Criminal eradication. Call it Operation Brush, Linggis, Operation Pukat, Operation Rajawali, Operasi Bright, and Operation Parkit in all parts of Indonesia. many operations, captured up to 1,946 criminals.

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Although many criminals have been arrested, the criminal crackdown still continues. As was done by the Military District Command (Kodim) 0734 Yogyakarta under the leadership of Colonel Muhamad Hasbi

At that time, Colonel Hasbi (1983) declared war on the thugs or to dig whose l? action was troubling more and more the inhabitants of Yogyakarta. He organized a security eradication operation in conjunction with intelligence AD, AU, AL and the police.

The Yogyakarta District Military Command collected excavation data from intelligence operations and recorded maps. After getting the card, the searches are forbidden to do the act and must be willing to tell where other searches do not want to report.

The search that was not reported then driven out by the OPK Kodim team will be stopped and for those who are running or fighting. The bodies of the slaughtered men were left everywhere in order to create a deterrent effect

OPK held by the security apparatus in Yogyakarta is known to the public. Each body stands on the edge of the road, at the edge of the forest, under the bridge, and others, the corpse with the gunshot wound is often referred to as a mysterious shooting victim (Petrus). The term "petrus" has recently become very popular and scary.

The performance of the OPK in Yogyakarta has received special attention from intelligence chief LB Moerdani and is appreciated as "good work and ongoing!" The way to manage the digging by means of the OPK has been applied in various regions of Indonesia and the "petrus" of the victims was everywhere.

True, the OPK is effective against careers and enjoys the support of the community. Even today, people sometimes expect the emergence of "petrus" to deal with the increasingly widespread and brutal crimes of today.

Peter Bertato and Clove Hitch

Regarding the success of the OPK, President Soeharto in his autobiography entitled My Thoughts, Discourses and Actions, the existence of "petrus" is indeed intended to cause deterrent effects for criminals, as cited in the report Grid.ID. 19659002] "Yes, it must be by force, but the violence was not with a shot, just like that, no, but those who resist, yes, must inevitably be shot," he says. in a book published in 1989.

In 2012, Komnas HAM collected facts about Peter. Yosep Adi Prasetyo as Vice President of Komnas HAM said that the mysterious shooting victim occurred in the period 1982-1985.

The victims are in all regions and usually have tattoos. Uniquely, the way they died on average was always the same, so his body was almost in the same state.

"Their hands are tied. Laces as a feature, used to lock their two thumbs. It does not move. Kan thumb locked, "beber vice president of Komnas HAM Yosep Adi Prasetyo at the Komnas HAM office, central Jakarta, Tuesday (07/24/2012).

The use of laces for tie two inches of petrus victims once occurred during the Vietcong against America in the Vietnam War.According to Yosep, who is also the chairman of the Komnas HAM 2011 investigation team, after having murdered, the victim of Peter was put in public and his body was placed 10,000 Rp.

Peter reaches thousands of people

sinkholes and some are dumped in Luweng Grubuk, Wonosari, Yogyakarta. of David Bourchier in his 19459007 Crime, Law and State Authority in Indonesia published in 1990 by Arief Budiman, this Peter reaching the number 10,000.

The authors of Petrus also certainly not random people. highly trained and natural that the executor be highly qualified, since the victim of the animal found a number of hot runways, and at that time the firearms held by the security apparatus

. "In addition to senpi, they use mines with wood to finish their victims.This tool was prepared before the execution because appears from the notch on the wooden handle The type of link "clove" indicates that the manufacturer is a trained person and understands the ropes, "he explained.

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