Horrified! There is a wasp that can change spiders into zombies


Jakarta – On this earth, there are species wasps who can turn normal spiders into like zombie. Zatypota, the wasp type, was discovered only in Ecuador.

This is known after researchers at the University of British Columbia have observed the behavior of Anelosimus eximus. This is a species spider who live in groups and usually make nets with their families.

He is considered a social spider because of his habits. In addition, these animals often work with similar animals to hunt for food or babysit.

The normal life in which he lived immediately turned 180 degrees when the Zatypota wasp hit the egg on the belly of the spider. From here come the nightmares.

As soon as the eggs hatch, the newly born larvae will stick to the spider's body. To survive, he will suck the hemolymph, a blood-like liquid that is commonly found in invertebrates, spiders that he attaches to it.

Since then, the behavior of the social spider has changed. He appeared to be a zombie controlled by the larva and moved away from his group, followed by creating a cocoon-shaped net.

While the larvae will continue to meet the needs of the spider's stomach until the animal to which it attaches dies, the cocoon-shaped net condition having already been made perfectly safe. Then, he will make his own cocoon before becoming the perfect wasp in 9 to 11 days.

Wasps that can turn spiders into zombies.Zatypota wasps can turn spiders into zombies. Photo: University of British Columbia

According to information from the official website of the University of British Columbia, it is not a new thing. A number of wasps are also known to be able to do things similar to other species of spiders, such as weavers orbs that live solitary. In addition, there are also wasps that do things similar to badroaches.

We still do not know how the wasp did this terrible thing. However, researchers believe this could happen because the larvae inject hormones into the spiders they attach.

(Mon / krs)

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