Hotman Paris is offering fantastic gifts to its new university graduates and 65 new apartments


Hotman Paris Kadoi 65 new apartments in Fritz Hutapea, graduated from LLB Westminster University London Law School

BANGKAPOS.COM – Hotman Paris Hutapea is happy after graduating from his youngest son, who is finishing his studies at London Law School.

His pride as a father who has managed to send his three children to school is reflected in a number of publications on Instagram.

In fact, recently, he offered Fritz Hutapea an end – of – life gift of fantastic value.

By way of pride, the famous lawyer offered 65 apartments at the graduation of Fritz Hutapea.

It is interesting to note that PT Sumarecon had just completed the entire apartment.

As for the price you no longer need to ask, it certainly has some fantastic numbers given the life of the famous glamor Hotman.

The delivery of 65 apartment photos to Fritz Hutapea was uploaded by Hotman via Instagram.

In the illustrated post, Father and Son walked down the hallway of the apartment, watching each room.

Hotman pointed out that what he had done was neither a lie nor a hoax.

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