How Bams Ex Samsons Live a Healthy Lifestyle – VIVA


VIVA – Having a healthy, well-proportioned body is everyone's dream. To achieve this, one of the things you do is to put in place a healthy lifestyle.

The similar thing was lived by the former singer of the Samsons group, Bambang Reguna Hill or known as Bams. He lived a healthy life after weighing 110 kilograms during high school (SMA).

"From there, I live in a healthy lifestyle. He once dried up because he ate a diet that is not seasoned" launcing his second restaurant was FIT LO-KAL Senayan, South Jakarta, on Tuesday, July 17, 2018.

He finally made the model calorie count until now. He also gave examples of diet that has lived every day. When you get up early, Bams sports for 30 to 40 minutes. The type of exercise was enough to sit down.

After playing sports, he had breakfast. The breakfast menu that he chose was papaya fruit. But a child's father says that if his body needs protein, he chooses to consume egg whites.

"After that, eat FIT LO-KAL.Personally it's a solution because the calories are measurable because eating a portion of LOI-KAL 250 grams), the calories are 150 to 200", at- he says.

Lunch and dinner BAMS also eaten FIT LO-KAL

"I eat twice a day if we calculate 150 calories multiplied by six The only is 900, while my daily needs 2000 calories," he says .

Despite everything, he still claimed to apply the model to cheat once a week. When cheat that certain foods like martabak became one of his choices

Cheat once a week, if my sugar drops normally I will eat sugar like martabak ", said Bams.

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