How to exchange 1998 and 1999 non-applicable issues?


JAKARTA, – As at August 31, 2008, the Bank of Indonesia (IB) canceled and withdrawn notes of Rp. 1,000, 1998, Rp. 20,000 in 1998, Rp. 50,000 in 1999 and 100,000. Rp in 1999.

BI also accepts the exchange of 1998 and 1999 issue notes until December 30, 2018. So what is the process of exchange?

Cited on the official website of BI, the exchange of money withdrawn can be made within 10 years after the withdrawal period and is made at a nominal value as long as the money can still be identified as authenticity.

"The Bank of Indonesia pays compensation of a nominal amount to people who exchange money revoked and withdrawn from circulation as long as it is still within 10 years of the date of revocation and authenticity can still be identified, "explained BI.

However, BI explained that after 10 years of revocation and withdrawal, or as of January 1, 2019, the 1998 and 1999 issue banknotes could no longer be exchanged.

Rupiah money not valid from January 1st, 2019.INDONESIA BANK Rupiah money not valid from January 1st, 2019.

If the money to be exchanged is used or defective, BI also receives a nominal indemnity according to its authenticity.

However, if the money in question is damaged and that it is difficult to know the authenticity features, explains BI, the exchanger is required to fill out a search request form of 39, money damaged for further research.

"The damaged money whose authenticity is difficult to recognize can be sent in an appropriate packaging to the Bank of Indonesia. The results of the study and the amount of the refund will be communicated later" said BI on its official website.

BI also stated that exchanges at BI could be done at:

1. BI Headquarters, specifically in the Department of Financial Management,

Time of service: Monday dd. Friday starts at 09:00 – 11:30 WIB.

2. The nearest Domestic Bank of Indonesia Bank (KPw-DN).

Service time: certain days from 09:00 – 11:30 WIB.

3. Cash Around Bank Indonesia

For the location and time of operation of Cash Around Bank Indonesia, you can contact the Money Management Service, phone number 021-2981 8722, 2981 7297, or the office of the national representation (KPw-DN), days and working hours.

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