How to free phone memory by cleaning trash in WhatsApp, so lightweight smartphone work


TRIBUNJATENG.COM – WhatsApp is the most used chat application that most people use.

No wonder this application continues to grow until it sometimes causes a complete storage memory.

Different causes, among other sizes of applications increasingly enlarged, to files such as photos and videos that accumulate.

That is why the smartphone's memory sometimes becomes fast, for this you need to perform regular cleaning to relieve the smartphone's memory. the only thing is cleaning the trash in WhatsaApp, that is, files or photos that are not useful in the WhatsApp following some steps you need to do to clean it.

Most storage checks on WhatsApp you need to go to WhatsApp then Settings> Data Usage and Storage> Use Storage

Cleaning WhatsApp

In this menu you can see which cats store too much memory

2. Clean the cat, cleaning unnecessary cats


You only need to select items that are not important and that can remove them.

3. You can also clear the chat in the WhatsApp group by accessing one of the WhatsApp groups and pressing 3 points at the top right> plus> clear chat



Cleaning WhatsApp

This is 3 steps you can do to clean the storage space in WhatsApp that may have been very long, you do not clean.

Cause by reducing it, automatically WhatsApp will make you feel lighter, but it also reduces the use of memory in your Smartphone.

It's all you can do hopefully! (*)

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