How to naturally protect the lungs from exposure to air pollution


DENPASAR, – Air pollution, whether it is vehicle fumes or cigarette smoke, disrupts the respiratory system. In fact, polluted air can also cause us to contract a number of diseases, ranging from asthma to lung cancer.

In order not to be exposed to health problems due to exposure to air pollution, there are several ways to maintain and clean the lungs. Here's how you can do it so your lungs and respiratory system can stay awake.

1. Eat healthy foods

One way to clean our lungs is to eat healthy foods. Food also affects our lung health. Therefore, start a healthy diet as a good start for health.

– Start the day with a glbad of lemon water. If our body is well hydrated, the process of cleaning the lungs becomes smoother.
– Eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as grapes, kiwi, oranges, tomatoes and broccoli.
– Do not forget that the food contains a lot of antioxidants. For example, garlic, apples, green tea or ginger.

2. Clean the ventilation

Regular cleaning of the house, from the bathrooms to the kitchen, to bedrooms, eliminates dust and germs. Bacteria that accumulate in the ventilation can be introduced if they are not replaced for years. Try to replace it every 6 months to ensure the quality of the air at home.

3. Do outdoor activities

If you take fresh air in the morning, the tissues in your lungs can grow and work better. Try to check the level of pollution in your area. Avoid exercising outdoors when pollution levels are high. In addition, it is important to take into account the avoidance of cigarette smoke or burning waste.

4. control cough

Coughing is one of the most natural ways to clean the lungs. However, if we are better able to regulate our own cough, the mucus in our lungs will also be lifted and penetrated through the airways.

5. Respiratory exercises

Diaphragmatic breathing

This breathing exercise involves the diaphragm and the abdomen. In this breath, when the air enters the abdomen will be completely filled so that it expands, while the chest does not move much. Do this exercise for at least 5 minutes a day.

Puckered lips breathing

You are trained to reduce breathing and lengthen the airways. To practice it, simply breathe through the nose and remove it as long as possible through the mouth, lips pursed.

Stretching ribs

This exercise is easy enough to do. The key to this breathing exercise is to retain as much air as possible in the lungs and with a longer time of 10 to 25 seconds. This technique can help you increase your lung capacity if you train at least once a day. Perform this breathing exercise 3 times a day to increase lung capacity more effectively. Once exercise, do it for 2-5 minutes.

Numbered breathing

This breathing exercise can be helpful to anyone who wants to increase lung capacity. With this breathing exercise technique, you need to perform calculations up to 8 times without stopping.

Pranayama lung force

This exercise is performed in a sitting position, alternately, using the right and left nostrils. Do it continuously up to 10 times alternately.

6. Avoid smoking

Cigarettes are one of the dangerous substances in our lungs. Therefore, if you are actively smoking, consider starting to reduce your intake until you stop smoking. Not only will you be affected, but other people close to you will be affected as well. Our respiratory organs also feel lighter because they are clean and free of mucus.

If you are a smoker and you can not stop smoking, you may be able to use other cigarette products. Based on research results from Public Health England, a division of the UK Department of Health and Human Services in 2018 titled "Examining Evidence for Heated Electronic Cigarettes and Tobacco Products, 2018", the report is based on The use of alternative tobacco products, such as electric cigarettes and burns, presents 95% less health risk than conventional cigarettes.

In the same year, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment also published the results of research on alternative tobacco products, namely heated tobacco products instead of burnt, which produce smokeless steam because they do not go through the combustion process. The results of the study indicate that alternative tobacco products have a level of toxicity (the level of damage to the cell) that is 80 to 99% lower than conventional cigarettes.

The methods above are easy to do. If the routine is applied, the lungs will become cleaner and the respiratory system will also improve. If you have been exposed to high levels of air pollution, consult a doctor immediately. (kmb / balipost)

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