Huawei Open Voice Problem Strategy on the Indonesian Smartphone Market


  A visitor saw the Huawei P20 Pro phone in Jakarta on Thursday (28/6). Huawei P20 Pro officially marketed and priced at Rp 11,999,000 in Indonesia. ( Yuniar)

Huawei, Jim said, is striving to understand the needs of consumers, in order to deliver products that consumers really need.

In addition, the company must also understand the needs of the local market, products of great interest with large-screen specifications, high-capacity batteries and self-service activities which are now a favorite of many people.

The P20 Pro, Huawei's latest product, illustrates the needs of the consumer. Another advantage of this product is the functionality of three rear cameras with Leica technology.

Cooperation with the German leader of the camera, Leica, for the flagship series P and Mate is one of Huawei's commitments to provide quality products. 19659003] "Premium phones will be our long-term strategy, in addition to recognizing the different needs of consumers is important to us, so that it can make different products that are needed," Jim said. that's the case. Huawei includes technology companies that invest heavily in the development of new innovations and technologies. Last year, the company allocated 10.4 billion euros to R & D (research and development center).

Huawei currently has 14 research and development centers around the world, including Beijing [36]

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In addition to the good quality, Huwaei P20 Pro is equipped with a triple Leica camera.

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