Huawei promises a surprising mobile gaming experience in the latest Nova


Jakarta, Selular.ID – After two cameras and an AI, Huawei unveils another feature for the latest Nova smartphone. This feature is dedicated to game lovers, especially mobile games.

"Many manufacturers give the appellation" game mode "on their devices, but the experience they offer is far from comfortable, especially when compared to PCs. , deputy director of Huawei Device Indonesia

As the popularity of mobile games, it is no wonder that manufacturers are trying to pin equipment to a smartphone.The handset is now designed to provide a better experience As the first smartphone supplier in China, Huawei confirmed that the latest Nova will carry the Turbo GPU

in the latest Huawei Nova Series smartphone. which will be launched late July This smartphone will allow middle-clbad smartphone users to enjoy the high-end gaming experience, "said Lo Khing Seng.

What is a Turbo GPU?

To be able to present the game smartphone needs a powerful hardware to play the game smoothly on the highest graphics settings. For this, Huawei has launched the Turbo GPU, a graphics process acceleration technology.

This technology redesigns the way graphics are processed at the system level, so that they can dramatically improve performance and efficiency. This revolutionary technology makes the old device capable of running the latest games that require intensive graphics.

Huawei's Turbo GPU is built on a common framework, so that it can work without the help of a game developer. And the more he understands how the game is handled, it will be more compatible with more games in the future.

With the Turbo GPU feature, Huawei ensures that the latest games on Nova will feel like on PC. You can not wait for the latest Huawei Nova series? Let's wait until July 31st.

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