Hundreds of Chinese scientists condemn the practice of gene editing of babies


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Officials and scientists China condemning the allegations of a geneticist, He Jiankui, who claimed to have succeeded in creating a genetically modified baby embryo using CRISPR-Cas9 technology.

More than 100 scientists said, in an open letter, that the use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology to alter human embryo genes was very risky. This can not be justified and could harm the reputation and development of the biomedical community in China.

Yang Zhengang, a professor at Fudan University, said the act was very dangerous.

Some researchers from the Genetics Society of China and the Chinese Society for Stem Cell Research also said they banned the study on the grounds that this work would pose an extraordinary security risk.

"We believe that the research conducted by him (He Jiankui) strongly opposes the Chinese regulations and the consensus reached by the international scientific community," said the two groups.

In a Chinese language letter, it was also stated that about 120 scientists objected to the experiment if they were tested directly on humans. They only support the research as a study.

CRISPR-Cas9 is a technology that allows scientists to cut and paste DNA to increase the expectations for genetic correction of disease. However, security and ethics are also of concern.

The scientist He Jiankui expressed in his video tape his defense regarding the formation of the embryo. He said his efforts were a way to protect twin babies born this month from attacks of HIV infection, the virus that causes AIDS.

Earlier, China's Vice Minister of Science and Technology, Xu Nanping, said he was very surprised to hear Mr. He's complaint. He added that the work has been banned since 2003.

The National Health Committee said on Monday (26/11) that it was deeply concerned and ordered provincial health officials to immediately investigate the problem and clarify it.

"Our goal is to ensure that the editing of this genome is done responsibly," the committee said. (jef / eks)

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