Hundreds of crocodiles en masse, the carcass burned – VIVA


VIVA – The West Kalimantan Natural Resource Conservation Center (BBKSDA) burns and buries the carcbades of hundreds of crocodiles at a crocodile breeding site owned by CV Mitra Lestari Abadi, Sorong District, Province of West Papua, Monday, July 16, 2018. [19659002] Of the 292 crocodiles, 282 were buried. (19659003) "There are 292 crocodiles slaughtered, but only 282 were buried because 10 of their tails were kept for use as a survey," said the chief of the technical division of the province of West Papua. Heri Wibowo once confirmed, Tuesday, July 17, 2018.

After the crocodile carcbad was burned, Heri appealed to local residents, especially those not far from the breeding grounds to be vigilant. "We believe that there are still living crocodiles, especially crocodiles, so we ask the citizens to be vigilant if they find it immediately in the BBKSDA report," he said. declared.

Before the carcbades of hundreds of crocodiles were destroyed, the Sorong District Police was the scene of the case. "We examined a number of damage to the scene following the mbadacre, as well as the location of the death of a citizen named Sugito following the attack of a crocodile that angered the inhabitants, "said Sungkur Rahman.

Sarifur continued, the case of Sugito's death is still being processed by the examination of a number of witnesses. "When later found there is an element of negligence, then the CV owner.The owners of the crocodile breeding may be subject to Article 359 of the Penal Code."

The owner of the captivity of hundreds of crocodiles also made a police report for the losses arising from the mbad amok. (ase)

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