Hundreds of wild houses in Batam burned – ANTARA News Riau Islands


Batam (Antaranews Kepri) – Hundreds of wild houses (ruli) in RT 03 RW 28 Kampung Belian, Batam Riau province, province of the Islands flattened with fire, therefore hundreds of residents evacuated in the building belonging to the Batam Municipal Government

"I do not know the incident, I suddenly heard that there was a fire," said Inal, one of the victims of the l & # 39; Fire in Batam on Saturday.

Inal said the incident, he was asleep and just woke up screaming that there was a fire around his house.

"I see that the emergency exit is large," says Inal. Panic, Inal then came out of the house carrying anything from the inside of his house. Inal added that he did not know exactly what time his residential area was set on fire.

"The clock did not know but she certainly wanted to be dawn," said Inal, the director of the Pemkot Batam firefighting agency. Azman said that he had deployed about 15 units of PBK cars to tame the reds

"From all the units down and we can be put back about 6 am," Azman said. .

Chief Public Relations Officer of the Batam City Government, Yudi Admaji stated that the fire victims have now fled the temporary data Gedung Bersama Pemkot Batam

At 39 tent already built, public kitchen and toilet "Yudi said, according to Yudi, there are 189 families and 590 inhabitants.

" The number of houses burned is estimated at 300 houses, the victims are slightly injured and a person is supported, "said Yudi.

In the incident, continues Yudi, there was no report of the deceased who died. (In between) [19659011] (function (d, s, id) {
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