Hunting Class List Online Augmented Reality Have Google, Free!


MOUNTAIN VIEW – Google provides free learning services for those interested in learning more about the world of augmented reality (AR). Through the clbad online on the Coursera platform, this learning service opens the clbades AR and ARCore

Clbades are open to the public, even if they do not have any basis in this area. The subsequent special clbades studying the AR will take place for 15 hours. In total, participants will take the course for four weeks with various AR technology materials, including how to create AR ARCore technology.

Course participants were promised to receive equipment to identify the types of ARs, the tools used that is used in AR technology and how it is used


Recently published on India Times, Google created this clbad for ease of use. RA trends do not cost and do not take a lot of time to learn about this technology.

The more developers who make the ARCore application, the greater the possibility that Android makes sure that the AR phone choice competes with ARKit Apple.

If so, potential participants only have to register ar = utm_source = linkshare & siteID = TnL5HPStwNw-Wh1tf04On34YZeQa2ItjpA & utm_content = 10 & utm_campaign = TnL5HPStwNw & utm_medium = partners.


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