If Doel The Movie Premier in the Netherlands, Falcon Pictures brings the Big Group


Bintang.com, Jakarta One of the most anticipated Indonesian films of the year is Si Doel The Movie. Not only in their own country, but also in the Netherlands. For this reason, Falcon Pictures facilitates the desire of fans of Doel The Movie in the Netherlands by organizing a Gala Premier film with Rano Karno, Maudy Koesnaedi, Cornelia Agatha, Suti Karno and Mandra in the Netherlands.

Precisely in the legendary cinema of Amsterdam. named Pathe Tuschinski with a capacity of 750 spectators. To liven up the event, the producer Falcon Pictures, which brought 80 people from Indonesia to the Netherlands

"From Indonesia, there are about 80 people who participated. more of all the cast of the movie Si Doel The Movie, we also include media friends, to participate in the cover of the first gala in the Netherlands ", as dilansir the release of Falcon Pictures.

They will all leave Indonesia on July 21 and return to Indonesia on July 26, 2018. In addition to attending the premiere of Si Doel The Movie, all bands will enjoy the beauty of Amsterdam and the Netherlands. will be invited to the culinary hunt while there

"I think it's indeed a new way yes." Falcon still meets what the public wants.If played in Malaysia, Singapore or Brunei is already If only in Europe this time by Si Doel. "Rano Karno

Rano also added that in addition to the group of Indonesia and the Dutch community, including the embbady, ​​will also present a blogger from Europe in the Gala Movie premiere Si Doel The Movie. "Many European bloggers who have asked for the film Si Doel The Movie can be broadcast in the UK and Paris, but we are concentrating everything in the Netherlands, so they will come to the Netherlands to watch the premiere of Si Doel The Movie, "he said.

If Doel The Movie will air simultaneously in all Indonesian cinemas on August 2, 2018. For moviegoers or sinetrons If Doel does not forget to go in movies, yes.

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