If it's terror, then that's cowardice


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – President of the House Fadli Zon reacts to an alleged car bomb attack by former artist Neno Warisman.

In his official account, he tells himself to learn from Neno that his car was burned or exploded. "If that is terror then obviously a cowardly act, go ahead Mbak, do not be afraid," Fadli said in his cook, Saturday (21/7).


Neno car allegedly detonated an unknown person. Dedi Supriadi, representative of PKS PR to make sure the news is valid.

"The information is valid," said Dedi when he was contacted by CNNIndonesia.com on Saturday.

The news was published by activist Zeng Wei Jian. By his Facebook account, Zeng mentioned the car of the former artist who is now a dilatakkkan ustazah.

"Thursday midnight, Mbak Neno's car castigated somebody. Neighboring names saw the fire was enlarged," wrote Zeng

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